Servicing your Commercial Elevator

Servicing your Commercial Elevator

A commercial elevator is a vital part of any multi-story building, and when something goes wrong, it can be a major inconvenience for tenants, visitors, and employees alike.

That’s why it’s important to have a team of professional technicians on hand to service your elevator and keep it running smoothly. 

By replacing outdated components and upgrading to new technology, you can avoid costly repairs down the line.
By replacing outdated components and upgrading to new technology, you can avoid costly repairs down the line.

At our company, we have over 20 years of experience in the elevator industry, and our team of certified technicians are available 24/7 to respond to any service calls.

If you’re a business owner or property manager, you know that commercial elevators are a crucial part of your building. They make it possible for employees, customers, and guests to move easily between floors, and they can play a major role in ADA compliance.

That’s why it’s so important to keep your elevator in top working condition at all times. But what do you do when something goes wrong? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the three most common commercial elevator issues and how to solve them.

We understand the importance of minimizing downtime, so we work quickly and efficiently to get your elevator back up and running as soon as possible. 

Common Elevator Issues
Common Elevator Issues

Common Elevator Issues:

There are a number of different issues that can affect commercial elevators, such as: 

Malfunctioning doors or gates 

Uneven or jerky movements 

Sudden stops or starts 

Alarms that won’t stop sounding 

Lights that flicker or stay on when the elevator is not in use

If you notice any of these problems, it’s important to call a professional technician right away. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse, and it could eventually lead to a complete breakdown of the elevator.

Elevator repairs take precision and accuracy
Elevator repairs take precision and accuracy

How We Can Help 

Our team of certified technicians have the knowledge and experience to identify and fix almost any problem with any type of commercial elevator. We also offer preventative maintenance packages to help keep your elevator running smoothly and reduce the likelihood of future issues. 

If you’re having problems with your commercial elevator, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our team of certified technicians are available 24/7 to respond to service calls, and we’re dedicated to getting your elevator back up and running as soon as possible.

If you’re having problems with your commercial elevator, don’t despair! In this blog post, we’ve looked at three of the most common issues and how to solve them. Remember, if you ever have any doubts about what’s going on with your elevator, always call in a professional. They will be able to diagnose the problem and get your elevator back up and running in no time.

Regular elevator inspections are very important
Regular elevator inspections are very important

Issue #1: Capacity Issues

One of the most common commercial elevator issues is capacity issues. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common one is that the elevator isn’t sized correctly for the building. If your elevator is constantly overcapacity, it’s time to call in a professional to assess the situation. They may recommend upgrading to a larger model or making some modifications to the existing one.

Issue #2: Frequent Breakdowns

Another common issue is frequent breakdowns. This can be caused by a number of things, but the most common cause is lack of maintenance. If your elevator isn’t being properly maintained, it’s more likely to break down. That’s why it’s important to have a qualified professional perform regular maintenance on your elevator. They will be able to identify any potential issues and make sure that they’re addressed before they become major problems. 

Issue #3: Slow Speeds

If your elevator seems to be taking forever to reach its destination, it could be due to slow speeds. This is usually caused by an issue with the motor or drive system. If you suspect that this is the problem, it’s important to call in a professional as soon as possible. Trying to fix the problem yourself could make it worse and potentially lead to an accident. 

1. Excessive vibration

One common issue with commercial elevators is excessive vibration. This can be caused by a number of things, such as loose bolts or an unbalanced load. To prevent this issue, it is important to regularly check the bolts on your elevator and make sure they are properly tightened. You should also avoid placing heavy items in one area of the elevator, as this can cause the elevator to become unbalanced. 

2. Slow response times

Another common issue with commercial elevators is slow response times. This can be caused by a number of things, such as a dirty sensor or a low battery. To prevent this issue, it is important to regularly clean the sensors on your elevator and check the battery level. You should also make sure that the power supply to your elevator is working properly. 

3. Uneven stops

A final common issue with commercial elevators is uneven stops. This can be caused by a number of things, such as calcium buildup or dirt on the tracks. To prevent this issue, it is important to regularly clean the tracks on your elevator and remove any calcium buildup that may have occurred. You should also make sure that the wheels on your elevator are properly aligned.

These are just a few of the many issues that can occur with commercial elevators. By taking steps to prevent these issues, you can help keep your elevator in good working condition for years to come.

If you have any questions about these tips or need assistance with your elevator, please contact us today. We would be more than happy to help you keep your elevator in top condition!

Long Island Elevator Company Elevator Installers and Repairers Long Island New York logo

Island Elevator is Ready to Help!

Island Elevator is here to help you understand all facets of your Elevator Repair, Maintenance, & Modernization costs in the new year.  Our team is here to help ensure your home and business vertical transportation equipment receive the regularly scheduled maintenance necessary to help you avoid a major catastrophe, reduce the possibility of a costly repair, and ensure the safety of your passengers, tenants, and family.

Call For Your Free Estimate Today! 631-491-3392

Click here for more Information on commercial elevators

The Dangers of Elevator Down Times

The Dangers of Elevator Down Times

The Dangers of Elevator Down Times

When an elevator goes down, it can be a minor inconvenience or a major problem. For people with disabilities, elderly people, or those who are pregnant, an elevator outage can mean being stranded on a floor and unable to get the help they need.

In some cases, it can even be deadly. That’s why it’s so important for building managers and property owners to have a plan in place for elevator down times. 

The Dangers of Elevator Down Times

Elevator outages may seem like a minor inconvenience, but they can actually be quite dangerous. That’s why it’s so important for building owners and managers to have a plan in place for when an elevator goes down. By having a clear protocol and investing in emergency power generators, they can help ensure that everyone stays safe during an outage.

That’s why it’s so important for building owners and managers to have a plan in place for when an elevator goes down.

All tenants should know how to reach the building manager in case of an emergency, and there should be a clear protocol for handling elevator outages. Property owners should also consider investing in emergency power generators to ensure that the elevators can still be used in the event of a power outage. 

Remember that even tiny maintenance issues can have major consequences
Remember that even tiny maintenance issues can have major consequences

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 18,000 reported elevator accidents each year. Many of these accidents result in severe injuries, and some are even fatal.

So, what causes elevators to fail? And how can we avoid these accidents?

Let’s take a look.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to elevator downtime. Some of the most common include: 

Overuse: One of the most common causes of elevator downtime is simply overuse. If an elevator is used too frequently, it will eventually break down. This is why it’s important to properly maintain your elevators and keep up with scheduled inspections and repairs.

Poor maintenance: Another common cause of elevator downtime is poor maintenance. If an elevator isn’t properly maintained, it will be more likely to break down. This is why it’s so important to have a qualified technician perform regular inspections and repairs. 

Weather: Elevators are also susceptible to weather-related issues. For example, if an elevator is exposed to extreme cold or heat, it can malfunction. This is why it’s important to have your elevators serviced in both the winter and summer months. 

Elevators have historically been safer than stairs, escalators, and even bathtubs.
Elevators have historically been safer than stairs, escalators, and even bathtubs.

There are many reasons why elevators fail. One common reason is due to faulty wiring. Over time, wires can become frayed or detached, which can cause the elevator to malfunction.

Another reason is due to mechanical issues, such as worn-out brakes or pulleys. Finally, human error is also a major contributing factor to elevator accidents.

For example, if an elevator technician does not properly maintain the equipment, it can result in a failure. 

There are several ways to avoid elevator accidents. First and foremost, it is important to have regular inspections and maintenance performed on all equipment. This will help to identify any potential problems before they cause an accident.

Finally, it is also a good idea to have a plan in place in case of an emergency. 

Make sure your employees are trained on proper elevator usage.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that all employees who work with elevators are properly trained and certified.

There are a number of things you can do to minimize the risk of elevator downtime in your building. Some of the most effective strategies include:

Inspections: One of the best ways to prevent elevator downtime is to have your elevators inspected regularly by a qualified technician. This way, any potential problems can be caught early and repaired before they cause major disruptions.

Maintenance: Another effective strategy for minimizing elevator downtime is to ensure that your elevators are properly maintained at all times. This means keeping up with scheduled inspections and repairs as well as making sure that the elevators are clean and free of debris.

Weatherproofing: As we mentioned earlier, weather can be a major factor in causing elevator downtime. To prevent this, you should make sure that your elevators are weatherproofed and serviced regularly in both the winter and summer months.

By following these tips, you can help minimize the risk of elevator downtime in your building. However, even with these measures in place, there’s always a chance that an elevator will experience problems at some point. That’s why it’s important to have a qualified technician on call who can quickly repair any issues that do arise.

The Benefits of Elevator Modernization Services
Elevator down times are a major headache for any building manager.

Elevator down times are frustrating for everyone involved—tenants, visitors, and building managers alike. However, by taking some simple precautions, you can help minimize the risk of this problem in your building.

Be sure to have your elevators inspected regularly, keep up with scheduled maintenance appointments, and weatherproof them in both the winter and summer months. And if an issue does arise, don’t hesitate to call a qualified technician who can quickly repair the problem so that everyone can get back to their normal routines as soon as possible!

Elevator accidents can be devastating, so it is important to do everything we can to avoid them. By having regular inspections and maintenance performed, making sure all employees are properly trained, and having an emergency plan in place, we can help reduce the number of elevator accidents each year.

Long Island Elevator Company Elevator Installers and Repairers Long Island New York logo

Island Elevator is Ready to Help!

Island Elevator is here to help you understand all facets of your Elevator Repair, Maintenance, & Modernization costs in the new year.  Our team is here to help ensure your home and business vertical transportation equipment receive the regularly scheduled maintenance necessary to help you avoid a major catastrophe, reduce the possibility of a costly repair, and ensure the safety of your passengers, tenants, and family.

Call For Your Free Estimate Today! 631-491-3392

Click Here For More Information On Home Elevators